May 5, 2021

Mindfulness in Sales Conversations

One subject that is near and dear to my heart is mindfulness. I have always been fascinated by the depth of this topic, and how it can be applied to different areas. With my twenty years of experience in sales, I often thought about ways in which I can bring these two topics together. I believe that incorporating mindfulness strategies in sales can be a game changer for sales professionals, especially from a performance perspective.

But Before we get into the topic of how to be mindful in our job as sales professionals, let us look at what mindfulness is.
Mindfulness means different things to different people…but the true meaning of mindfulness is, basically, to focus our attention on what is happening in the present moment; to be present in the moment…Looking inward mindfulness is about being aware of our thoughts and emotions…Looking outward is about being aware of our interactions with others and our surroundings.

So, to be mindful in our day-to-day sales activities is to be completely attentive to what we are doing in that very present moment regardless of the activity we are engaged-in in the sales process.

And sales being a series of conversations that takes place with clients or prospects which ultimately leads to a certain outcome-preferably a winning deal- being mindful throughout those conversations is paramount in capturing the goals or pain points of the person we are having a conversation with.

In these interactions, mindfulness takes the form of deep listening where your subject of attention is your client or prospect and what they are saying.

So, when you are in that state of complete attentiveness, the other person feels that she or he has our full attention at every moment and that we are completely and utterly present to what they are saying, and this helps in creating a feeling of empathy and trust, which, ultimately, leads to a stronger relationship.

In summary, Mindfulness can be practiced in every activity in the sales process especially during our conversations with our clients or prospects and it is important in building trust and great relationships with our clients.

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