May 5, 2021

Why coaching work in the sales world?

There is a lot of psychology behind why coaching works in general, and especially in the sales world. I am sure you can appreciate how hard it is to contain such a vast topic in a short article.

But I will give it a try!

So why does coaching work in sales?

Coaching is not about being directive. Rather, it is more about providing the coachee with a supportive space, encouraging him/her to come up with their own creative ideas and action plans.

It is about sales leaders partnering with their salespeople in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their potential and reach their goals.

Like most people, salespeople like to be appreciated for their own ideas…

As Dale Carnegie, in his bookHow to Win Friends and Influence People” says:

“No one likes to feel like they are being told what to do. We prefer to think independently and have autonomy to act on our own ideas.” This approach empowers salespeople and gives them a boost of confidence to go out there and work on their own action plans. It also builds trust between the sales manager and the salesperson, which leaves the salesperson with the feeling of being supported and valued.

Coaching taps into what motivates the individual salesperson.

Moreover, coaching taps into what motivates the individual salesperson by uncovering their thinking process and belief system. This helps in clearing out what could stand in the way of achieving their goals. For example, fear or doubt; emotions that could influence performance of the salespeople and even hinder their progress.

Finally, Coaching makes the salesperson accountable and committed to work on his/her action plan to reach their sales targets.

These are some of the reasons that make me a firm believer in coaching.

Adopting a Coach approach in the communication between sales leaders and sales reps is invaluable. Not only does it empower the salespeople with a feeling of confidence and support, but it also boosts their focus and energy. It is a winning approach no doubt!

I hope this has given you a few ideas about coaching and its benefits in the sales world.

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